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NEW DREAMS LTD will make the world a better place!

New Dreams LTD was founded by our leader, Edward Flex, when he realized he didn't want to feel helpless when looking at all the problems and corruption of our world and he in fact wasn't helpless! After seeing corruption first hand, he tried to rely on others to solve the issue, but realized we the people would need to make this change ourselves if we want our new life now!

Utilizing unique methods of spiritual development that he himself invented, our leader invites all to come and have thier powers awoken so they too can contribute to the greater good of our organization, which has a greater good of improving life for the greater good! New Dreams LTD was founded to bring us together and make a new reality, a reality where the corrupt politicians and businessmen are no longer in power, pushing down the common man for their own evil ends. No more will corrupt organizations abuse their members and cover up the crimes of their leaders. No more will the politicians line thier pockets while taking away our freedoms and doing nothing to help the average person. No more will the CEOs line their pockets with profit while their employees work 3 jobs to make ends meet. New Life Now!