Edward is the founder of NEW DREAMS LTD and has a vision that we will all work to actualize in order to fix our world and make it be tter for everyone! Ater seeing first hand the harm that corruption and evil can do so much harm for people, our Leader decided that enough was enough!
It was time to do something about the corruption in our society, but tragedy struck. He was but on person, what could he do against the rich and powerful? Even if he had his own riches and power, it would still be one against many. Then he discovered we all have a strength, a well of pwoer within us all that we could use to band together and overcome even the most corrupt and powerful! He knew in that moment it was possible for us to have our new life now! so he found others and they worked together to begin to build out our organizatio nand we have quicly grown!
Silver was an early member of our organization and his help and funding helped build out the initial stages of NEW DREAMS LTD. He shares our Leader's vision and beliefs and is helping with actualization by his recent election to congress in a surprise victory in Tennessee's 9th Congressional District! Not even the corrupt gerrymandering of our state could stop his victory!
The first member of the New Life Party, Silver is going to bring our vision to congress and take the fight to Mich Mechconnel, President Gary Busey, and other corrupt leaders such as Nancy Pelosi and Kevin Mccarthy! First on his agenda is legislation to end congressional insider traiding!